CALL FOR CONTRIBUTION For the establishment of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in the City of Nürnberg, Federal Republic of Germany

Đăng lúc: Thứ bảy - 24/03/2012 10:22 - Người đăng bài viết: Redakteur
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTION For the establishment of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in the City of Nürnberg, Federal Republic of Germany.
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTION  For the establishment of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in the City of Nürnberg, Federal Republic of Germany

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTION For the establishment of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in the City of Nürnberg, Federal Republic of Germany

Namo Amitabhāya buddhāya

Dear fellow buddhists and our community,

The pagoda is a realm of solemnity where the Buddha graces blessing, peace and harmony for the people; is the place where Buddha’s bell dispells our sorrows; is the pure ashram which guides our heart and soul towards relief and freedom; and the place of eternal spiritual life:

Even though we are away from our homeland, the buddhist community is always looking foward to establishing our own pagoda in this foreign land. For that reason, in the year of 2010, the Vietnamese Buddhism Cultural Center Franken e.V, the Federal Republic of Germany, has founded our modest Vinh Nghiem Pagoda at the 5thFloor of an apartment building in the city of Nürnberg. After two years of operation, the buddhist community has greatly expanded, and the current Vinh Nghiem Pagoda at the city of Nürnberg is becoming overwhelmed and overloaded in meeting the buddhist community’s religious needs. As a result, the Center decided to acquire a better equipped and more spacious lecturing capacity at 60 Castell, 90451 Nürnberg to build the pagoda. This endeavour requires the contribution of our dear buddhists and our community.

In oder for the Vinh Nghiem Pagoda to have a more spacious facility to better cater to our spiritual needs, we sincerely call for our dear Buddhists, our community, to help us with the financial means to build a new Pagoda. This is watched over by the Buddhas, and gives us immeasurable merits not just to our religion but also to the community, not just for us but for our later children:

Build the pagoda, paint the statues, cast the bells.

All those three things we should do

The Center sincerely calls for contribution from our buddhists and our community. All financial contributions please be directed to:

  • Account in the Federal Republic of Germany:

Account number No.62715 , Bank Code: 760 694 40

 At bank:Raiffeisenbank Altdorf – Feucht eG       ,     Recipient: VBKZ Franken e.V.

 IBAN: DE68 7606 9440 0000 0627 15,     SWIFT-BIC: GENODEF1FEC

  • Account outside the Federal Republic of Germany:

  Account number No. 0170 003 105 , Bank Code: 501 310 00

 At Bank: Vietinbank   ,  Recipient:  VBKZ Franken e.V.

  IBAN: DE60 5013 1000 0170 0031 05,    SWIFT-BIC: ICBVDEFF

All your contribution shall be publicly acknowledged.

We wish our buddhist community blessings from the Buddha, our community always in peace of mind, our country in peace, our peole prosper and live in joy.

Management Committe of the Vietnamese Buddhism Cultural Center Franken e.V

And the abbot of the Vĩnh Nghiêm Pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City


Ven. Thích Thanh Phong

Nguồn tin: Trung tâm Văn hóa Phật giáo Việt Nam Franken - Chùa Vĩnh Nghiêm
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Tài khoản tại CHLB Đức:
Konto-Nr.: 62715, Bankleitzahl: 760 694 40
Kreditinstitut: Raiffeisenbank Altdorf - Feucht eG
Begünstigter: VBKZ Franken e.V.
IBAN: DE68 7606 9440 0000 0627 15,
Tài khoản tại Việt Nam:
Tài khoản số: 060044816299
Tại ngân hàng: Sacombank,
Sở Giao dịch Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
Chủ tài khoản: Phạm Đức Phong
Tài khoản nơi có cộng đồng Việt Nam ở Hải ngoại:
Tài khoản số: 0170 003 105,
Ngân hàng số: 501 310 00
Tại ngân hàng: Vietinbank
Chủ tài khoản: VBKZ Franken e.V.
IBAN: DE60 5013 1000 0170 0031 05,

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